Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ATTACK of the Lady Bugs - AAAHH

Well it's a rainy, windy day up here. Seems like our summer was very short and fall is already setting in so we are attempting to kick our renovations into high gear and get everything taken care of before the first snow hits the ground. I've heard some people predict it could be as early as the second week of September (please no!) or as late as December (this is what I'm voting for, if my vote counts).

Needless to say, with all of the work we have been doing on the property, we've discovered some welcome residents! Check this out:

So it turns out that Lady Bugs nest on Moscow Mountain and our property appears to be the perfect location. We didn't notice them at all until we cut a few trees down to clear some of the area we are currently developing into garden. Now, they are literally everywhere.

No worries though; it's a good thing! The Lady Bug's favorite meal is the Aphid. An Aphid is a small insect that munches on the sap of plants, i.e. not good for your garden. Not only are Lady Bugs great guardians for your garden, but they are also considered a sign of good luck and good fortune. And on top of all that, if we were bothered by them, we could actually sell them to local nursery's.

For us though, the Lady Bugs are a great omen that aren't going anywhere.

Around 2 o'clock everyday, it warms up enough for the bugs to start flying and swarming. It's pretty wild to see! Just a huge floating red cloud. The only negative is that they do bite though apparently, I'm the only one they bite. It feels just like a tiny pinch, nothing too bad, just gets annoying when you are surrounded by thousands of them.

Hey, if that's my biggest complaint then I think we're doing pretty good! :-)

If the weather lets up, we are hoping to dig out the back of the house to add another layer of sealant and visqueen. This will also be the first step towards our Rain Water Catchment system so fingers crossed, we will be collecting our own water by week's end.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it! :) -Lydia